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Fee Assistance Eligibility Calculator
Please complete this simple form.
For Family Size, please include all members living in your household and/or included on your tax statements. Your household annual income should include your adjusted gross income and any other sources of income (such as child support, unemployment, or other benefits).
Awards are primarily based on financial need. JCC Chicago uses the adjusted gross income per household divided by the number of family members to determine most awards. Families with an adjusted gross income per person of over $40,000 will likely not qualify.
Please note that other factors may change your eligibility once the complete application has been submitted to our team. The extenuating circumstances that are taken into consideration include, but are not limited to change in family size (i.e. new baby, caregiving for an adult relative), change in income (unemployment, loss of wages), extreme medical situations (one parent is unable to work/caregiver).
Please include current pay stubs or unemployment/medical documentation so that we can best assess your family’s need. Other factors may impact the award determination and the results of this calculator are not a guarantee of scholarship.
With any questions about award determinations, please contact feeassistance@jccchicago.org.