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2022 Imagine That! Grant Recipient Is…

Four years ago, the JCC Chicago Women’s Board created the Imagine That! grant to help JCC day and overnight camps create new programmatic opportunities for summer camp. Every year, the Women’s Board awards the Imagine That! grant to an idea that is fun, inclusive, enhances campers’ lives, is through a Jewish lens and can be shared across other JCC Chicago camps.

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The JCC Women’s Board seeks gifts to fuel a scholarship endowment, which will ensure that future generations of campers can rely on JCC Chicago for financial support.

An endowment gift of $5,000 generates a minimum annual gift of $250 for camp scholarships and leaves a legacy in perpetuity; a gift of $50,000 generates $2,500 in scholarship support, equal to the average annual award for three children in day camp or one child enrolled in Camp Chi.

To learn more about endowment opportunities and how your gift today will support children for years to come, please email Ruthie Neumeier, or call 224.406.9232.

The JCC Chicago Endowment Foundation is established in partnership with the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago’s Agency Endowment Program; all commitments to the Endowment Foundation for the benefit of the “JCC Women’s Auxiliary Endowment Fund” are recognized as gifts to the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago.

The Women’s Board hosts events throughout the year such as Decks, Dots & Desserts and group blocks to theater shows.

Our most recent event was:

Decks, Dots & Desserts

This was our 5th Annual Game Night hosted by the JCC Women’s Board. 100% of the event proceeds benefited JCC Chicago camp scholarship programs.

Board of Directors

Alicia R. Lieberman

Immediate Past President

Suzie Ritter

Vice Presidents

Joyce Gerstein*
Julia S. Gerstein
Madelon Gryll*
Barbara B. Hochwert*
Sheila Jacobson
Karyn B. Lutz*
Caryn G. Putterman*
Chickie Rosen*
Sharon Stern


Gail P. Manning*


Suzie Ritter*


Janice Bernstein
Susan Ellenby
Bette Feinerman
Carole Feldman

Directors, continued

Elaine Frank
Fran Grossman*
Judy Hecktman
Teri Heyden
Mari Schoen Hirsh
Carole Latimer*
Saralyn Levine*
Laurie F. Lieberman
Arlene Ruff*
Renee Soltan
Sandra Wanger*
Ellen Wolff

In Memoriam

Elaine S. Frank* (Founder)
Darlene Gilford*
Barbara S. Katz*
Helen Schechtman*
Susan J. Spector*

JCC Chicago
Board of Directors Chair

Stuart B. Hochwert

President & CEO

Addie Goodman

*Past Presidents
**Honorary Director